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We help business to stay updated with the lasts in their industries and navigate the complex challenges in corporate governance, enterprise risk management and regulatory compliance. We offer Corporate training, virtual events, and multimedia content experiences. Our vision is to provide the best industries knowledge to every professional to enhance their knowledge, boost profitability, improve skills and stay updated with current industry best practices and regulatory development. You can access our virtual events online at the comfort of your home or office and open doors to high-quality content from professional trainers

Date Conference
Oct 24,2024 Workplace Harassment Prevention for California Supervisors

Speaker: Jacquiline M. Wagner | Price: $189.00
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Aug 20,2024 Focus Areas for June 30th Year-End Audits and Financial Reporting

Speaker: Eric S. Berman | Price: $159.00
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Aug 19,2024 Business Valuations: Writing the Report

Speaker: Dr. Robert K Minniti | Price: $149.00
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Aug 12,2024 Payroll Tax Headaches: Understanding and Resolving Common Issues

Speaker: Debbie Cash | Price: $189.00
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Aug 06,2024 Reporting Foreign Accounts & Assets: FBAR vs. Form 8938

Speaker: Patrick McCormick, JD, LLM | Price: $149.00
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Aug 01,2024 Line-By-Line Preparation of Form 1120s & 2253

Speaker: Joseph B. Darby | Price: $159.00
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Jul 30,2024 Digital Assets – Income Tax Reporting and Gift and Estate Planning

Speaker: Nick Preusch CPA | Price: $159.00
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Jul 25,2024 IRS Tax Audit Red Flags: Understand How To Survive an IRS Audit [Checklist]

Speaker: Daniel J. Pilla | Price: $149.00
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